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Chisel Creek Classical

A beautiful hike in the mountains

Chisel Creek Classical is a music festival nestled amidst the breathtaking Canadian Rockies and open prairies of Southern Alberta, uniting musicians from across the globe for a transformative two week celebration of nature, community and musical excellence. During this time, artists immerse themselves in the beauty of the surroundings, practicing, studying and performing musical masterpieces.


Chisel Creek Classical offers a unique educational experience, where students participate in masterclasses designed to inspire new heights of imaginative potential, elevating them to create, communicate, and appreciate the arts on a newfound level. This journey goes beyond musical proficiency for in order to make great strides, one must nurture discipline, perseverance, collaboration, and life skills that transcend the boundaries of music. Under the guidance of world-class mentors - who pass on the torch of deep rooted musical traditions - students contribute to the preservation of a rich cultural heritage and become part of an ancient legacy that continues to inspire and shape the world in which we live.


The chamber music presented at Chisel Creek Classical, features renowned musicians from across the globe, invited to come together and embark on a journey of collaboration and intense study. Amidst the awe-inspiring embrace of nature's beauty, they immerse themselves in timeless masterpieces of the chamber music repertoire, delving into the depths of musical expression and cultivating a profound understanding and appreciation for these extraordinary works. The beautiful surroundings ignite a new level of inspiration, enriching their musical understanding and fostering a deep connection with the power of nature's influence on artistic creation.

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